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Article: Maintenance of jewelry and emeralds in Emerald By Love


Maintenance of jewelry and emeralds in Emerald By Love

The jewelry with Colombian emeralds are authentic masterpieces, and their maintenance requires a combination of care at home and the experience of our professionals at Emerald By Love.

Here we will deepen the importance of trusting specialized jewelers and how their knowledge can contribute to the long-term preservation of these precious pieces.

What to keep in mind?

1. Specialized experience:

  • Jewelers specializing in gems, especially in Colombian emeralds, have a deep knowledge of these unique stones. Their experience allows them to address specific challenges related to the delicacy and uniqueness of emeralds.

2. Precise Diagnosis:

  • Regular visits to a professional jeweller provide the opportunity to make accurate diagnoses. They can identify problems that can go unnoticed during home cleaning, such as worn-outs or loose stones.

3. Specialized Maintenance Services:

  • Jewelers offer specialized services, such as polishing and deep cleaning, that go beyond what can be achieved at home. These services not only restore the original brightness of the jewels, but also contribute to their durability.

4. Expert repairs:

  • Jewelry repairs must be handled by professionals. From small adjustments to the reconstruction of grips, jewellers have the skills to preserve the integrity of your jewelry.

5. Update and Customization:

  • If you are considering upgrading or customizing your jewelry, a professional jeweler can give you expert advice. From changing a set to designing a completely new piece, your experience guarantees satisfactory results.

6. Specific treatments for Emeralds:

  • Colombian emeralds often benefit from specific treatments, such as oiling. This process highlights its color and clarity. A jeweller with emerald experience will know when and how to apply these treatments safely.

7. Value assessment:

  • Jewelers focus not only on aesthetics, but also on value. They can assess the overall status of your jewelry and provide guidance on their current and potential value in the market.

Care from home

1. Regular cleaning in the House:

  • Start with a soft cleaning at home. Use a soft, wet cloth to remove dust and impurities.
  • Avoid strong chemical solutions and abrasive cleaners. Opt for specific jewelry products or just warm water with a little soft detergent.

2. Personal inspection:

  • Examine your jewelry regularly to detect possible problems such as loose grip or wear.
  • If you look at any anomalies, refrain from making home repairs. Bringing your jewelry to a professional ensures proper care.

3. Cauteloso Storage:

  • Store your jewelry in individual cases, preferably lined with soft materials to avoid scratches.
  • Keep the parts separate to prevent entanglements and rubbing between them.

4. Check with a Professional Jeweler:

  • Program periodic reviews with a trusted jeweler. These experts are trained to identify and address problems before they become serious.
  • An annual visit can include services such as polishing, thorough cleaning and adjusting, contributing to the longevity of your jewelry.

5. Specific Care for Emeralds:

  • Given the unique nature of Colombian emeralds, it avoids exposing them to sudden changes in temperature or direct sunlight.
  • Consider specialized treatments, such as oiling, that improves the appearance and durability of emeralds.

6. Repairs and Customization:

  • Don't hesitate to go to a jewelry store for repairs, even the smallest. Loose turns or small scratches can be expertly resolved.
  • If you want to customize your jewelry, such as changing a garn or adjusting the design, a professional jeweler can advise you on the best options.

7. Avoid Inecesary Risks:

  • Remove jewelry before participating in risky activities such as intense sports or household chores.
  • Protect your jewelry from contact with corrosive chemicals, such as perfumes and lotions.

Keeping your Colombian jewelry and emeralds at its best means a combination of care at home and the search for the professional jewelry box experience. This dedicated attention ensures that these unique pieces continue to witness your elegance and style, maintaining their courage and beauty over time.

The Value of Professional Care for Your Jewels with Colombian Emeralds

The jewels with Colombian emeralds are authentic masterpieces, and their maintenance requires a combination of attention at home and the experience of jewelry professionals. Here we will deepen the importance of trusting specialized jewelers and how their knowledge can contribute to the long-term preservation of these precious pieces.

1. Specialized experience:

  • Jewelers specializing in gems, especially in Colombian emeralds, have a deep knowledge of these unique stones. Their experience allows them to address specific challenges related to the delicacy and uniqueness of emeralds.

2. Precise Diagnosis:

  • Regular visits to a professional jeweller provide the opportunity to make accurate diagnoses. They can identify problems that can go unnoticed during home cleaning, such as worn-outs or loose stones.

3. Specialized Maintenance Services:

  • Jewelers offer specialized services, such as polishing and deep cleaning, that go beyond what can be achieved at home. These services not only restore the original brightness of the jewels, but also contribute to their durability.

4. Expert repairs:

  • Jewelry repairs must be handled by professionals. From small adjustments to the reconstruction of grips, jewellers have the skills to preserve the integrity of your jewelry.

5. Update and Customization:

  • If you are considering upgrading or customizing your jewelry, a professional jeweler can give you expert advice. From changing a set to designing a completely new piece, your experience guarantees satisfactory results.

6. Specific treatments for Emeralds:

  • Colombian emeralds often benefit from specific treatments, such as oiling. This process highlights its color and clarity. A jeweller with emerald experience will know when and how to apply these treatments safely.

7. Value assessment:

  • Jewelers focus not only on aesthetics, but also on value. They can assess the overall status of your jewelry and provide guidance on their current and potential value in the market.

Paula A. Bonilla 

Social communicator and journalist from Sergio Arboleda University in Colombia. She is also a jeweler and is passionate about constantly learning about precious gems and national high jewelry.

Currently, she is working for one of Bogotá's most important jewelry stores, Emerald by Love. This jewelry store has over 40 years of experience and has 2 physical branches in the capital city of Colombia, located in the city center.

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