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Artículo: How light affects the color of a Colombian emerald


How light affects the color of a Colombian emerald

Colombian emeralds are famous for their vibrant green colour and captivating beauty. However, the visual aspect of these gemstones can vary markedly depending on the light conditions.

Understanding how light interacts with emeralds is essential for both collectors and buyers. In this text, we will explore the relationship between light and the color of emeralds, the best moments to appreciate their beauty and how light influences its tone.

Colombian light and emeralds

Light plays a crucial role in the perception of emerald color. The quality, intensity and type of light can highlight different shades and shades of green. This phenomenon is due to how emeralds refract and disperse light, which affects their appearance and visual appeal. Knowing the aspects of light that influence the color of the emeralds allows owners and fans to enjoy their splendour optimally.

What are the best times to see emeralds?

Natural light is the best ally to appreciate the color of emeralds. The ideal moments to observe them are:

  • MañanaTomorrow: During the morning hours, the sunlight is soft and golden, highlighting the green tones of emeralds without generating excessive reflections.
  • TardeAfternoon: The afternoon light also offers good lighting, especially near sunset, when the sun is low on the horizon and provides a warm glow.
  • Avoid noon: In the central hours of the day, sunlight is more intense and direct, which can create dazzle and make it difficult to appreciate the color.

How does light affect the color of emeralds?

The way the light affects the color of the emeralds is due to several factors:

  1. Refraction: Emeralds have a high refractive index, meaning the light is diverted when entering the stone, creating a set of lights that highlights its color.
  2. Sperm: The way light is separated in different colors as they pass through the emerald can influence visible nuances, adding depth to their green color.
  3. Light quality: Natural light, especially diffuse light, highlights the purity and saturation of color. Artificial light, on the other hand, can alter perception, making greens look more off or less vibrant.
  4. View angle : The position from which the emerald is observed also affects how its color is perceived. A change in the angle can highlight different nuances and shades.
  5. Environmental conditions: The presence of clouds, fog or the time of day can modify the quality of light, affecting what emerald looks like. Atmospheric conditions can add an effect of softness or warmth that highlights its beauty.

Paula A. Bonilla

Social communicator and journalist at Sergio Arboleda University in Colombia. She is also a jeweller and passionate about constantly learning about precious gems and high national jewellery.

Currently, he works for one of the most important jewelry stores in Bogotá, Esmeralda by Love. This jewelry has more than 40 years of experience and has 2 physical branches in the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the city.

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